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2000 News

1999 News


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Let's Go Racing!
September 18, 2000

Gordon Washes Out Bronson Speedway Events

(9/16,2000) Hurricane Gordon "came a callin" at the Bronson bullring
Saturday night, and washed out the entire racing card for the evening. On tap was the 50-lap "Dash for Cash" in the LATE MODEL SPORTSMAN division and the second visit of the year for the Daytona Antique Racers Association. No one was more dissapointed than the drivers, who for the third week in a row, were trying to get their machines on the racing surface and "have at it."

The LATE MODEL SPORTSMAN cars are scheduled for another 50-lap event this weekend, September 23. That show will go on as well as the return of the midgets and stock cars in the Daytona Antique Auto Racers group. We will look foward to seeing you all then.
Gates open at 5: 30 and racing is at 7:30.

-Gil Peck-

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